CAS Research Grant

CAS (Senter for avansert studier) støtter fremragende, nysgjerrighetsdrevet forskning og gir forskerne uavbrutt tid til å arbeide med langsiktige problemstillinger. Hvert år støtter CAS tre forskningsgrupper innen humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap og naturvitenskap. Les mer om CAS sin søknadsprosess nedfor eller på


The Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) supports excellent, fundamental and curiosity-driven research.

CAS’ primary objective is to provide its fellows with uninterrupted time to work on problems that do not have to yield short-term returns.

Each year, CAS hosts three research groups working on projects within and across the fields of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.

All faculty members who hold permanent research positions at CAS’ partner institutions in Norway are eligible to submit a project proposal and to assemble their international dream team of prominent researchers.

The research groups stay at CAS, situated at the stately premises of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo, for one academic year.

The Centre accepts applications each year. All applicants must register as users on UNIFOR.

Read more about CAS at the Centre’s website.

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