Fagfellevurderte bøker
Bratrud, Tom. 2022. Fire on the Island: Fear, Hope and a Christian Revival in Vanuatu. Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3167/9781800734647.
Artikkel om boka på Berghahn Books blog. Podkastepisoder på New Books Network Podcast (intervjuet av Tiatemsu Longkumer) og Antro-podden (intervjuet av Thorgeir S. Kolshus). Anmeldelser i London Review of Books, Oceania, Pacific Affairs, Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift.
Bratrud, Tom. 2018. The Salvesen Ami Dance: Custom, Christianity and Cultural Creativity in South Malekula, Vanuatu. Oslo: The Kon-Tiki Museum.
Redigerte verk
Bratrud, Tom, Ingjerd Hoëm & Keir Martin (red). 2021. Dependence in Oceania (temanummer). Oceania 91(2).
Bratrud, Tom & Tuva Broch (red). 2020. Hjem(met) i og etter Gullestad (temanummer). Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift 31(1-2).
Fagfellevurderte artikler og bokkapitler
Broch, Tuva, Tom Bratrud, Marianne E. Lien og Cecilia Salinas. 2024. New Forms of Home Blindness: Rethinking Fieldwork Methods in Digitalized Environments. Ethnography 0(0): 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1177/14661381241266924
Bratrud, Tom. 2024. Becoming an Outdoors Person: Identity Transformation through Nature Activity and Social Media in Norway. I Simon K. Beames and Patrick T. Mahern (red.) Routledge Handbook of Mobile Technology, Social Media and the Outdoors. London: Routledge. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003367536-19
Bratrud Tom. 2024. The Exurban Timespace: Spatiotemporal Decompression among Urban-Rural Migrants in Norway. I Astrid Marie Holand (red). Time in our Times: Stretching Contemporary Understandings of Time, Berlin: De Gruyter, 207-224. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111428970-009.
Bratrud, Tom. 2024. Climate Change in the Pacific and the Question of Relocation. Human Organization. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00187259.2024.2336011.
Bratrud, Tom. 2024. Pentecostalisation as Social Reform in Vanuatu: The Case of the 2014 Malekula Revival. I Marie Durand, Monika Stern og Eric Wittersheim (red.). Le Vanuatu dans tous ses états: Histoire et anthropologie. Paris: Presses de l’Inalco, 301-323.
Bratrud, Tom. 2022. Ambiguity in a Charismatic Revival: Inverting Gender, Age and Power Relations in Vanuatu. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology 87(4): 713-731. DOI: 10.1080/00141844.2019.1696855
Kolshus, Thorgeir & Tom Bratrud. 2022. Frihetsbalansen. I Charlotte Lundgren (red.) Psykisk oppvekst: Barn og unges psykiske helse fra 0-25 år. Oslo: Rådet for psykisk helse.
Bratrud, Tom. 2021. What is Love? The Complex Relation between Values and Practice in Vanuatu. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 27(3): 461-477. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9655.13546.
Bratrud, Tom. 2021. Asserting Land, Estranging Kin: On Competing Relations of Dependence in Vanuatu. Oceania 91(2): 280-295. DOI: 10.1002/ocea.5305.
Bratrud, Tom. 2021. The Sorcerer as Folk Devil in Contemporary Melanesia. I Martin Demant Frederiksen & Ida Harboe Knudsen (red.). Modern Folk Devils: Contemporary Constructions of Evil. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 47–61. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33134/HUP-13-3.
Bratrud, Tom & Marianne E. Lien. 2021. Hytta, bygda og byen: Forhandling om tilhørighet i krisetid. Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift 32(2): 55-71. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18261/issn.1504-2898-2021-02-02.
Bratrud, Tom. 2020. Paradoxes of (In)security and Moral Regeneration in Vanuatu and Beyond. Journal of Extreme Anthropology 4(1): 177-197. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5617/jea.7395.
Bratrud, Tom. 2019. Fear and Hope in Vanuatu Pentecostalism. Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde 65(1): 111-132. DOI: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26858307
Rangelov, Tihomir, Tom Bratrud & Julie Barbour. 2019. Ahamb (Malekula, Vanuatu) – Language Context. Language Documentation and Description 16(1), 86-126. DOI: 10.25894/ldd114
Bratrud, Tom. 2017. Spiritual War: Revival, Child Prophecies, and a Battle over Sorcery in Vanuatu. I Knut.M. Rio, Michelle MacCarthy & Ruy Blanes (red). Pentecostalism and Witchcraft: Spiritual Warfare in Africa and Melanesia. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 211–233. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-56068-7_9.
Bratrud, Tom. 2013. Bisnis, risriskure, sosialitet: Melanesisk egalitet og pengebasert modernitet på Ahamb, Vanuatu. Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift (24)2: 100-111. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18261/ISSN1504-2898-2013-02-03
Bratrud, Tom. 2024. Fijians in Transnational Pentecostal Networks (Karen J. Brison). ANU Press. Pacific Affairs 97(4).
Bratrud, Tom. 2022. Like Fire: The Paliau Movement and Millennarianism in Melanesia (Theodore Schwartz & Michael French Smith), ANU Press. Journal of Pacific History 57(1-2). DOI: 10.1080/00223344.2022.2039843.
Bratrud, Tom. 2014. Foodways and Empathy: Relatedness in a Ramu River Society, Papua New Guinea (Anita von Poser), Berghahn Books. Anthropos 109(2): 733-734.
Annet relevant
Tom Bratrud. 2023. Om Markens grøde som lengsel og kulturelt symbol. I Tor-Evert Grødahl Johansen Småbruksdrømmen: Om livet på landet og hva vi egentlig lengter etter. Stavanger: Frisk forlag.
Tom Bratrud. 2023. Om bygdedyret, frykt, likhet og likeverd. I Tor-Evert Grødahl Johansen Småbruksdrømmen: Om livet på landet og hva vi egentlig lengter etter. Stavanger: Frisk forlag.
Tom Bratrud. 2023. ‘Det blir jo feil å selge også’: Følelser, tilknytning og hindre for overlating av småbruk. I Tor-Evert Grødahl Johansen Småbruksdrømmen: Om livet på landet og hva vi egentlig lengter etter. Stavanger: Frisk forlag.
Felix Sam, Tomsen Sam, Hedrick Peter, Graham Thomas, Morvel Tom & Tom Bratrud. 2014. Some Stories and Songs from Ahamb Island. In Ahamb Language and Bislama. Port Vila: Vanuatu Cultural Centre.
Bratrud, Tom. 2012. Social and Cultural Aspects of Climate Change and other Environmental Hazards: Experiences from Ahamb Island, South Malakula, Vanuatu. Rapport for Vanuatu Cultural Centre og Vanuatu Department of Meteorology.