Mitt antropologiske blikk har gjennom hele karrieren vært rettet mot religiøs kompleksitet i det nordlige India. Her bor hinduer, muslimer, sikher og noen kristne — enkelte velstående, men flertallet ikke — side om side. Hva slags kosmopolitiske praksiser og religionspolitiske spenninger utvikler seg i slike områder? Med utgangspunkt i årlige feltbesøk, har jeg skrevet om både hindunasjonalisme, religiøse endringer og hvordan det å oppsøke “den andres” religiøse rom på jakt etter guddommelig beskyttelse kan bidra til samholdskraft.

Sammen med Frode Storaas og Dipesh Kharel har jeg også bidratt til de etnografiske filmene “A Kali Temple Inside Out” (2018) og “An Indian Love Story” (2023), som begge ble filmet i den indiske bydelen jeg har gjort feltarbeid i siden 2013.

Faglige Interesser

Religion, politikk, nasjonalisme, hinduisme, ulikhet




Lazzaretti, Vera & Frøystad, Kathinka (2023). Beyond Courtrooms and Street Violence: Rethinking Religious Offence Controversies and Its Containment. Routledge.

Rollier, Paul; Frøystad, Kathinka & Ruud, Arild Engelsen (2019). Outrage: The Rise of Religious Offence in Contemporary South Asia. UCL Press.

Frøystad, Hanne Kathinka (2005). Blended Boundaries: Caste, Class, and Shifting Faces of ‘Hinduness’ in a North Indian City. Oxford University Press.

Nyere artikler/kapitler

Frøystad, Kathinka (2023). Killing for the Hindu nation: Hindu nationalism and its violent excess. I Kitts, Margo (Red.), The Cambridge Companion to Religion and War. Cambridge University Press

Frøystad, Kathinka (2023). Raising alarm or swallowing hurt? The case of a broken deity tile in Kanpur. I Lazzaretti, Vera & Frøystad, Kathinka (Red.), Beyond Courtrooms and Street Violence: Rethinking Religious Offence Controversies and Its Containment. Routledge.

Frøystad, Kathinka & Lazzaretti, Vera (2023). Rethinking religious offence and its containment: Towards a new research agenda. I Lazzaretti, Vera & Frøystad, Kathinka (Red.), Beyond Courtrooms and Street Violence: Rethinking Religious Offence Controversies and Its Containment. Routledge.

Frøystad, Kathinka (2022). Through the Looking Glass: The Involuntary Cosmopolitanism of Black Magic and Possession in Modi’s New India. PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies.

Frøystad, Kathinka (2022). Contested Holiness: The Politics of the Indian Cow. I Ween, Gro Birgit & Lundblad, Michael (Red.), Control: Attempting to Tame the World. Pax Forlag, s. 171–179.

Frøystad, Kathinka (2021). Sound biting conspiracy: From India with “love jihad”. Religions 12(12), s. 1–23.

Frøystad, Kathinka (2021). Worship and the virus in Hindu India: Contested innovation, polarization, uneven digital acceleration. Approaching Religion, s. 1–18.

Frøystad, Kathinka (2021). Swallowing hurt: Conversion, broken deity tiles and reluctant forgiveness in Kanpur. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 44(3), s. 568–583.

Frøystad, Kathinka & Lazzaretti, Vera (2021). Introduction: Containing religious offence beyond the courts. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies. ISSN 0085-6401. 344(3), s. 498–509.

Frøystad, Kathinka (2021). Inclusivism and its contingencies: following temple-goers in Kanpur. I Keul, Istvan (Red.), Spaces of Religion in Urban South Asia . Routledge. s. 24–38.

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